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Has anyone tried feeding amphipod babies to flamboyant cuttlefish babies?


Apr 7, 2024
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I was curious as I was hoping to cultivate flamboyants and am ready with live mysid when the time comes as there is a local place that sells them but was curious when the time comes would they eat amphipods and would they have enough nutritional value?
Hi @Jimmert - generally, amphipods seem to be discouraged for flamboyant hatchlings.


Keep us posted on your project, please! If you do start a journal, consider our Exotics and Rare Species forum; there's some flamboyant content in there. Welcome to TONMO!
I was curious as I was hoping to cultivate flamboyants and am ready with live mysid when the time comes as there is a local place that sells them but was curious when the time comes would they eat amphipods and would they have enough nutritional value?
In the long run, the most successful cultures have been with live mysid. I have heard of a few potential new live foods that are being used, and of course I cannot recall them right now, but they were not amphipods, at least at a 100% diet of amphipods.

If you go the amphipod route, collect some data, and keep sharing your results!


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