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Guppies with new Octopus


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
I will get my first octopus on Tuesday. All I know for sure is that he is "small enough to fit into an egg with room to spare". It is believed he is NOT a pigmy with the possibility of being Briaius (I hope) or Vulgaris.

I have been keeping guppies and one guppy sized hitch hiking fish in his tank as a bioload during cycling (5 months). I would like to leave the fish as food or food producers. I had expected the octopus to be larger (I have been waiting for a healthy one caught by a crabber in the keys) but it has turned out the my first little fellow is quite small (hopefully a baby). I have noticed that fish in general have not been recommended but these are not damsels and are far smaller than any of the fish discussed. Am I still facing a possible problem by allowing the guppies to remain?

As long as you know the guppies have never been treated with copper, they should be fine. If they indeed are guppies, they should not be aggressive like damsels are. Just keep an eye they don't seem to bother your new baby when he arrives.
Thanks for the input. I know they are guppies since I have raised them from fry and have had them for over a year. They were supposed to produce seahorse food but only one of my horses cared to try the fry and only once or twice then they just ended up in the fuge. I have several in multiple tanks that have never bothered anything (they keep down their own population though) and eat either marine food , black worms (depending upon the tank) or their own fry. The females don't even pick on the males, which is unusual for guppies.

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