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Greetings from the Gulf of Lion!

Margaux Yap

Nov 7, 2015
Hello everyone, I recently found this forum while looking at some news and information about cephalopods, and I am very happy that such a big community exists!

My name is Margaux Llapasset (Yap) and I am currently a MSc student in a the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, South of France. Althought my university is not specialised in deep-sea ecology or cephalopods studies, I have been motivated to learn and work in these fields during my Bsc and MSc; I spent a year as an Erasmus student at Bangor University (Wales) and was part of the benthic ecology research division at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (Scotland).

The next step for me now is to learn the most I can about the wonderful Cephalopoda Class and ecology and maybe one day to be part of the lucky scientists who discover more everyday from these beautiful creatures!


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