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Got my cuttles from Righty... Sweet.

a rabid squid

Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
I drove up to san fransisco to pick up 2 cuttles because i know how much he hates shipping. when i got home they both looked dead until i put some of my water in the bag. i just think the water ran out of oxygen because of the traffic. but now theyre doing great. i just keep them in a breeder net full of food and they can eat whenever i shake the net and all the coepapods run out of their hiding places. they are really small like half an inch or so but they are growing really fast. i can see the difference every day. but they are using their colors a lot more than i expected with babies. and can anyone tell me how to ween them onto frozen food? and i heard something about feeding them crab limbs. would this work? because i have a ton of crabs in my tank right now.

:cuttle: :cuttle:
a pretty bad pic but u get the idea.


  • conv_288327.jpg
    477.2 KB · Views: 95
Those little guys ought to grow pretty fast. Better enjoy them kitten-sized now - soon they'll be cats! Only without the smell.
im sad to say one of them got eaten by a crab i had in my tank. i forgot to take the pinchers off on just one of them. i coundnt find the corpse of the cuttle but i saw the crab on the breeder net and i just assumed. well the crab was thrown far far away into the woods and the other one is doing very well. its been growing very fast and starting to react to me more.
a rabid squid said:
im sad to say one of them got eaten by a crab i had in my tank. i forgot to take the pinchers off on just one of them. i coundnt find the corpse of the cuttle but i saw the crab on the breeder net and i just assumed. well the crab was thrown far far away into the woods and the other one is doing very well. its been growing very fast and starting to react to me more.

I suspect the cuttle may have just died (happens with youngsters) and the crab then disposed of the corpse............ they are after all very good scavengers!

sad to say the other one just died too. i dont know how but i never found any remains... those pesky aliens. my water was perfect... i dont know what happened. well i was thinking of trying an octopus, maybe ill like them too.

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