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Florida Keys Vacation!!!


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
I leave with my son on Saturday for a week in the Florida Keys at Islanmarotta !! We are flying in to Fort Lauderdale, and then driving down to the Keys on Sunday. Anyone know of anything I should keep in mind to visit??? We are taking an underwater camera :) , plan on a day of fishing, I know there's a beach with burrowing owls I need to find :) !!!! This will be my second trip down there, but longest I get to stay on them!!!! AND only one child!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D And Hubby is staying home to watch our daughtor and the animals!!!! :D :D

Cool, have fun!! I went to the Keys when I was in college, but I don't remember much... :beer: I do remember going out fishing on a charter boat and catching a grouper and then coming back and bringing it to a restaurant where they cooked it (along with our other catches), and we ate it. Yum!

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