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dwarf octo questions


Aug 15, 2007
hi im gettin a dwarf octo tomaro and i read a fax cheat on it and it says if they ink it will kill everythind in my tank yes or no? i also read that before they die u have to kill them out of the tank? yes or no if yes what is the easyest way to kill it. and how do i now when its old??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:cyclops::sleeping:
ummm, you really shouldn't put an octo in a tank with other inhabitants. What are the other inhabitants? Also, I don't know who told you that you have to kill it, but that's incorrect and inhumane. The only way to know if it's old is to know when it was born, and their lifespan is only aound 6 months to a year, so you won't need to "kill it out". Also, again, if you have other inhabitants, then you're gonna have a dead octo or dead other things really quick, octos are solitary animals.
oscer;100197 said:
hi im gettin a dwarf octo tomaro and i read a fax cheat on it and it says if they ink it will kill everythind in my tank yes or no? i also read that before they die u have to kill them out of the tank? yes or no if yes what is the easyest way to kill it. and how do i now when its old??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:cyclops::sleeping:

Oh my...

Where did you receive this information?

Inking is bad, yes. My dwarf O. Mercatoris inked once or twice and it was hardly a significant amount, but you can syphon it out with airline tubing or any other clean hose. If you have a protein skimmer you shouldn't have to worry about it unless it's a lot.
Please read the articles (click on Articles above) before you get your octopus. I assume you have a tank cycled and ready, from what you say.

You never have to kill your octopus and, as mentioned, inking can be handled. You'll need a protein skimmer anyway, and that will take care of the ink.

well i got the octo on ebay from an invert only fish store and i got a critter pack with the octo and he had them together???? i read the fax sheet here someone rote it.
Can you please post a link to that "fax sheet" so it can be corrected, or removed? Surely you misunderstood it if it was on this site. I can't see MISinformation like that being available on here.
thank u for all your help you guys (girls) are thay poisonis if not can u hand feed them??? srry for all the questions.
All octos i think are a little poisonous (venomous), but most can't hurt you unless you are allergic, so if they do bite you, it's kinda like a beesting...and if you are allergic, then yeah, it's like a bee sting to someone who's allergic. But yes, you can hand feed if they like you enough and they are bold enough. Hope this helps.
tyvm oh and before i forget how long canthey be out of water couse somone seid his got out of the tank went acros the class room opend a jar found out it wasnt food and got back in the tank and lived.

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