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Colossal Squid
Nov 19, 2002
Dunedin, New Zealand
I was playing around with some colours and came up with some cartoon characters, (eventually will be a childrens book something like "the seadoodles meet the landdoodles") anyway here are two of the characters that fit right in here! (Colourful and multiarmed!!!!!). These are octodoodle and squiddlydoodly :grin:



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Forget the purists! I have two grand children and I want the book! Jean, please let us know when it is published and how to go about getting it!
Another think is like about the children's book with cute drawings is that the drawings are correct. The kids pickup up missing arms, siphons and not distinguishing between arms and tenticles. Do bring the concept close to the front burner! I would hate for them to outgrow the kids books before it is finished!
dwhatley;95675 said:
Another think is like about the children's book with cute drawings is that the drawings are correct. The kids pickup up missing arms, siphons and not distinguishing between arms and tenticles. Do bring the concept close to the front burner! I would hate for them to outgrow the kids books before it is finished!

I'll try, but I have this other "book" to correct first........something about biology of squid.................????????? :roll:

You mean the one that will officially give you an extra set of initials? By all means, that one comes first :wink2:.

Does publishing children's books about your topic count academically as "publishing"?

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