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Cuttlefish and open top tanks


Blue Ring
Apr 28, 2006
Is it dangerous to keep cuttlefish in open top tanks? Will they jump out/climb out?

My tank is about 100G, and I'll only be keeping 4 or 6 sepia bandensis.

I have had one jump out....

Im not sure if this was a freak occurance, but it happened. The cuttle was in a custom made plexi section where no lip or cover was is present on the tank. I now have it covered with plastic egg crate.

They probably were chasing each other and one jetted a little too much in the wrong place...

if you are thinking of covering your tank, a lip around the tank will probably prevent this. you wont need an entire cover.
I have never had a problem with them jumping out. Paradox has the only instance I have heard of - at least with bandensis.
ok, I won't take drastic measures in "escape proofing" the tank. The tank already has a 3" eurobraced lip on it, so should be ok.


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