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cuttle tank


Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hi ive been keeping saltwater fish for some time now and love cephalopods but have never really gotten around to keeping them so i think ive decided to try a cuttle. My first question is could a cuttle do well in a 40 gal breeder ? what species? the breeder would be plumbed into my 90 gal system( fish only tank ) would there be anything wrong with that? Thanks.

40 might be fine for bandensis-- we used to recommend 30 for those, but I believe based on Cuttlegirl's experience with 3 bandensis in a 30 she was pleased to have a larger tank to move them to since they seemed to be getting overcrowded; I think the jury's still out on a single cuttle, a 40 is probably OK, particularly since it's plumbed to a larger system, but my usual caveat of "wait for the more experienced people and don't trust my answer, I just read a lot" applies.
A cuttle will be fine in a 40 breeder. Actually, I am probably going to give two to my friend with that same tank if he decides he still wants them when they are older. However, they seem to like a high tank, which the 40 breeder definitely is not...
high tank i thought cuttles stayed relativly close to the bottem? could some one post some pics of bandensis? Thanks

Mine have always preferred the lower half of the tank. If I neglected to feed them for a while, they have come up higher to the glass to beg for food.

Here is a recent picture and video of an Adult Bandensis.


A 40 gallon breeder should be fine.

Bandensis are pretty much the only cuttles you'll be able to find for sale in the us.

Here is one of my males. :grin:
does anyone see a problem with plumbing it to a FO? as long as its over skimmed and lots of waterchanges are done on the system. I usually equate FOs with high nutrient load.
invert.junkie;110107 said:
does anyone see a problem with plumbing it to a FO? as long as its over skimmed and lots of waterchanges are done on the system. I usually equate FOs with high nutrient load.

Ensure that no copper based medication was ever used in this system. Also, you will need to be sure the system can handle the bio load for cephs will add a lot. Fish only systems often have higher nitrates in which fish can tolerate. Ive read that cephs have similar tolerance to nitrates, but my personal 'preference' is to keep Nitrates low.
yea my skimmer is ev 240 so im covered on over skimmer.... i may have a problem getting a cuttle here in canada anyone know of any dealers that will here?
Ranzan;110115 said:
yea my skimmer is ev 240 so im covered on over skimmer.... i may have a problem getting a cuttle here in canada anyone know of any dealers that will here?

Actually I think I do. Ill have to dig around to find it and get back to you.
ok a few questions. Can i keep corals with cuttles ? my first plan was to make a 40 breeder a prop tank ( im new to corals ) ? macro algea? any input greatly appreciated.

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