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  • Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

Couple of pics

Lol...I want his octopus. He's one of the coolest looking iv seen so far. Longer tentacles is a must have. I know I like them. I also like the color of it in the pictures.
Yes, I must say I lucked out. Especially since the availability here is hit or miss when it comes to cephalopods. I've had him about six weeks so far and he is getting larger every day. Great thing is he is out most of the time. Last night my son and I were looking for him as it was feeding time. We looked for about 15 minutes and started to get scared that he escaped. I then took the feeding tongs and placed them into the water and tapped them gently against the rocks. He waved his tentacles and changed his color and there he was, right in front of us, a few inches from the tongs. His crypsis is very effective. Hence the name (Mimius - mimicry). I hope he is only a juvenille as I am growing very attached to the suckered little guy.

Will post tonight pics of his new home, still be constructed.

Yes, I fed him clams again to show my wife his personality. He did basically the same thing, though his aim is improving. The clam hit the floor this time and the dog ate it. My pets apparently eat better than we do.

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