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Can you have more than one cuttle?

Cuttlefish groups

I have always kept Sepia Officinalis from hatching in groups and well fed.
Only noticed cannibalism in the coolest aquarium, which started with 20 hatchlings, and even then it was not a major cause of mortality(?)
Hey guys,

Thanks for the compliments!
I been way busy and sick before that, so cuttle baby movies and pics should be forth coming!

On keeping them together, I wouldn't unless raised together, or you have a giant tank. Right now I have groups of 5 babies in net breeders and they are doing fine - unless they get hungry. Apparently space and lack of food will cause cannibalism (go figure :D). I plan on keeping the babies I keep together in 72 inch long tank, but the ones I keep are small (10 cm).

Getting the trawler to give you shrimp rocks!
where did you get your avator... that'd look cool on the back of my car :)

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