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can octopi dance?


Blue Ring
May 26, 2005
i was wondering can octopi dance because i woke up in the middle of the night and i saw it on the glass and it was moving it tentacle s under its mantle and was moving them in and out

it was funny :shock:
Some people think they do little dances on the glass - or something that looks like a dance.

Are you keeping an octopus? You didn't mention that before.

Yes, that's one activity that might look like dancing.

The other is when they move horizontally across the glass, in an almost rhythmic way. My bimac Ollie did that, and if I'd put my hand in, she'd lightly touch it with just one arm each time she passed by. She seemed to be having a good time and could do this for a long time without getting tired - back and forth, touch the hand.

Yeah it was pretty funny oh and well it died after about 6 months, and yeah it did do the sliding across the glass thing but i never stuck my hand in.Oh and my dad wants to get a blue ringed octopus! but i am triying do discourage it XD.
somosuno said:
Yeah it was pretty funny oh and well it died after about 6 months, and yeah it did do the sliding across the glass thing but i never stuck my hand in.Oh and my dad wants to get a blue ringed octopus! but i am triying do discourage it XD.


's normally the other way round! Young person wants to get BR and Dad is trying to discourage! go Somosuno!
somosuno said:
Yeah it was pretty funny oh and well it died after about 6 months, and yeah it did do the sliding across the glass thing but i never stuck my hand in.Oh and my dad wants to get a blue ringed octopus! but i am triying do discourage it XD.

If you haven't seen this, it might give you some additional discouragement points:


It sounds like you've looked into it pretty well already, though!

:bluering: = :goofysca:

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