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Bulk Fiddler Crab Sources?


May 17, 2023
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The lab I work at used to purchase our live fiddler crabs from Northeast Brine Shrimp, but the company was recently bought out and has told us they will no longer sell fiddler crabs to anyone who wants less than 100 dozen. Does anyone know of any other sources for live fiddler crabs? Ideally at a relatively similar price point (was $3/dozen, but they increased the price to $4/dozen just before they stopped selling to us).
The only places I know that sell bulk live fiddlers at the moment are Carolina, Ward's, and various bait shops. Carolina and Ward's prices are closer to $7/dozen, so -unless someone else know a good place- I'd call up some local bait shops and see if they could source you some cheaper.

Edit: Ah, or if your lab qualifies, you could also purchase from Gulf Marine Specimen Laboratories - they offer them for $4/dozen.
Okay, thanks for the suggestions, I'll reach out to them all. I had disregarded them initially since all three of their prices (Carolina, VWR, GMSL) are listed as significantly higher on their websites, so maybe I just need to contact them personally instead. I would assume we'd qualify since we're a university research lab, albeit a small one.

We have tried calling bait shops but none of them are willing to ship to us (Michigan). I've also found several marine wholesalers who have them but they won't sell to us since we don't have a business license - although I just spoke to our local fish store this morning to see if we could purchase fiddlers from a wholesaler through them and am waiting on a quote.

But I'll definitely do some more digging and see what I can find out.
Okay, thanks for the suggestions, I'll reach out to them all. I had disregarded them initially since all three of their prices (Carolina, VWR, GMSL) are listed as significantly higher on their websites, so maybe I just need to contact them personally instead. I would assume we'd qualify since we're a university research lab, albeit a small one.

We have tried calling bait shops but none of them are willing to ship to us (Michigan). I've also found several marine wholesalers who have them but they won't sell to us since we don't have a business license - although I just spoke to our local fish store this morning to see if we could purchase fiddlers from a wholesaler through them and am waiting on a quote.

But I'll definitely do some more digging and see what I can find out.
I just realized my math was horrendously off, sorry - I did per specimen in the dozen :facepalm:

Yeah, I haven't seen any place offering anywhere near $4/dozen. Most places sell them at at $5+ per specimen.
The lab I work at used to purchase our live fiddler crabs from Northeast Brine Shrimp, but the company was recently bought out and has told us they will no longer sell fiddler crabs to anyone who wants less than 100 dozen. Does anyone know of any other sources for live fiddler crabs? Ideally at a relatively similar price point (was $3/dozen, but they increased the price to $4/dozen just before they stopped selling to us).
Wow good luck with that.

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