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Dec 2, 2005
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Well hello every1

Was wondering if there is anyone else out there keeping a bluering other then me right now? if so, love to hear about yer set up as well as other 411..

Sky :cool2:
hi there, why not give us some more details about your tank... what filter, size, skimmer etc etc, also, what species of blue ring, where from, how old etc?

also, what is 411????

cheers and welcome to TONMO
Ill give ya tha 411, k first you are bound to die but thats only if ya do something stupid and end up making it mad but you probablly already know that so now to the lifespan its only about 5 or 6 months and thats if ya got your water and all that near perfect! other than that not much more i can tell ya but like colin said post up your tank info and i will be able to give ya som more info! :)
Colin said:
also, what is 411????

The U.S. phone companies use 411 for information (directory service), so it's become slang for information in general. (and 911 is emergency, even more so after 9/11)

Have a look at the thread called List of Our Octopuses at the top of the Journals and Photos forum. Scroll down through the list of bimacs and you'll come to Other Species. There are a couple of people keeping bluerings.

Can someone please mail Nancy the award for the "most patient person in 2005" ?
tonmo said:

"What's your vector, Victor? Roger, Roger. What?"...or: "There's a fighter coming in at 11 o'clock ! We have to wait that long?"
LMAO..... well no **** "octo oakley" cuz petting my bluering is on my to do list your telling me i have two more months and my bluering is going to die? cuz that would make it a ""5 month period" lol..... as well as i see nobody truly answered my question. :cool2:
If memory serves me right, nobody on currently has a blue-ring. This is becuase keeping blue-rings are potentially dangerous and although they a pretty, most that are sold usually are cuaght in the wild - something does not endorse.
Arrogantsob81 said:
LMAO..... well no **** "octo oakley" cuz petting my bluering is on my to do list your telling me i have two more months and my bluering is going to die? cuz that would make it a ""5 month period" lol..... as well as i see nobody truly answered my question. :cool2:

Now, what award do I get for reading this?
In another thread, arrogant s.o.b. actually appeared suprised by the lethal poison of bluerings.

Arrogant, what research did you actually do before purchasing this animal?

Once again, what type of system do you keep it in?

Who sold you a bluering without mentioning that it could kill you? will probably die in a couple of
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