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bio cube


Apr 11, 2007
I have set up a 14 galon bio cube with tropical fish. It is so powerful that is it sucking the fish in. I will try nylons on the vent and see if that helps. Anyways I was thinking of trying a salt tank . this set up is so simple to do I am hoping it will work. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them . If so what type of tank would work best. I noticed that one person spoke about the water flow and i would agree that it is constantly moving. Thanks
I have had similar problems in respirometer outflows. My solution has been to make a cage around the outflow consisting of a short section (about 2cm) of 3-4cm dia PVC and covering one of of it with a heavy duty nylon mesh. I will also drill small holes around the perimeter of the PVC to help dissipate the flow additionally. I put together the assembly and attach it to the tank over the outflow with aquarium silicon. This has proven to be pretty Octo proof so it would be more than enough for fish.
debyeagle;92404 said:
I have set up a 14 galon bio cube with tropical fish. It is so powerful that is it sucking the fish in. I will try nylons on the vent and see if that helps. Anyways I was thinking of trying a salt tank . this set up is so simple to do I am hoping it will work. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them . If so what type of tank would work best. I noticed that one person spoke about the water flow and i would agree that it is constantly moving. Thanks

:welcome: Deb, just be aware that a 14G tank is far too small for any ceph!


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