Bimac is always hiding


Sep 30, 2005
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I've had my new bimac now for four days. He never comes out. He has appeared only in the early morning and then after eating, retreats to his den for the rest of the entire day until the next morning. Is this normal? Will he ever come out more? Any advice on what to do different?

It seems like every new bimac owner goes through this - you just get your baby bimac and he goes into hiding. We call this the "baby hiding stage" and it's quite normal. Your little octo may be hiding in plain sight, too. They're very good at looking just like the rocks in your tank. Yes, he will get more confident and come out more - just be patient.

I too am suffering from the "baby-hiding-symdrome"!!! You must resist physically tearing the tank apart to find him! I am resisting! They do come out eventually! Now mine has such a population of food I may not see him for a month!

Good luck with your new baby and patience!!!

yeah octos do hide alot. its kinda kinda tuff when people here you have an octo and they wanna come over and see em but octos a no show and wont come out of his den. then the next day your cleanin his tank and hes all over the place flashin color and flip'n shells and what not. stubern lil buggas. but im findin that its the times that you do see em do somethin cool that makes em all the worth while. it takes a certain love of the strange and unusuall and a degree of patience but in the end its all worthwhile.
I've hyped my friends up so much as I'm preparing to keep this octo. I just know he's never going to show himself lol. I'm going to invite a bunch of friends over to take a look but I'm sure when I do that he'll be in his den.
I don't know if this will help. Try feeding it at the same time every day and with a recognizable instrument such as plastic tongs. It will learn to associate the time of day and sight of the tongs with food and you may be able to see it daily at least once then. Nice if you can be assured that the octopus will come out when interested friends want to see it. This method worked well for me and now Mimius is out almost all the time.
squall7733 said:
I've hyped my friends up so much as I'm preparing to keep this octo. I just know he's never going to show himself lol. I'm going to invite a bunch of friends over to take a look but I'm sure when I do that he'll be in his den.

It can take several weeks before the octopus is used to your presence enough to stick it's head and tentacles out...Detritus's idea is a good one, and should work out well.
Be sure not to bug it too much, a little bit of ink can really make a mess!!

When I had Ella, she wouldn't come out for an entire month. Then one day, she wouldn't hide at all. If I cleaned the tank she was right there trying to help. At night she would stick to the front of the glass, and watch me or the T.V. I could never tell. The feeding trick is almost guaranteed, the food brings 'em runnin' on all 8!

Post some pics when you can.

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