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Bandensis just hatched!


Pygmy Octopus
Oct 31, 2003
hi friends! i'm from singapore... i recently aquired some bandensis eggs! they just hatched today! they are so tiny and cute! can i feed them with newly hatched brineshrimps for the first week? or will they be able to take adults brineshrimps? Please advice:smile:
cuttlegirl;105284 said:
Congratulations on the babies. Brine shrimp are not a good food source for young bandensis. They should have mysid shrimp or amphipods. They are able to eat food that is as long as their mantle.

Thanks u! i try to get other food source.... how long will they start feeding?:smile:
Brock Fluharty;105289 said:
Thanks u!:grin:

cuttlegirl;105290 said:
They should start eating in a day or two. Sometimes you won't actually see them eat. Are their yolk sacs still attached?

Cuttlegirl...i don't see egg sacs.... they are still trying to learn how to swim.... going round in cirlces...while some that have hatch early have more control of the movement already:smile:

Will the black egg sac deflate once the cuttles hatched? or will they still remains the same? rite now i have at least 50 hatchlings!:smile:

The picture attached, was taken 1 week before.. u think bandensis will lay so much eggs? or will a group of bandensis lay eggs together? i got this bunch of eggs when my local suppiler had a shipment of 50 sepias:smile:
:bugout: Oh my goodness, I hope you have a big tank... That is probably a group of females that laid eggs. I hope you have access to a lot of live food.

The yolk sac would be a little bubble attached to the end of the tentacles. I thought you had only a few babies...
cuttlegirl;105300 said:
:bugout: Oh my goodness, I hope you have a big tank... That is probably a group of females that laid eggs. I hope you have access to a lot of live food.

The yolk sac would be a little bubble attached to the end of the tentacles. I thought you had only a few babies...

:banghead: i feed them bbs for the first few days.... meantime... i'll be trying to spawn bettas to get their fries to feed the cuttles baby... also will try to search for mysid too.... u think this way can do?:bugout:

Brock Fluharty;105302 said:
Geez!!! That's a whole lotta cuttles!!! Wish you lived in the U.S.!!
i wish too! :mrgreen:
you certainly have a lot of mouths to feed!!! And unfortunately that is the hardest part of raising cuttles! You will probably lose a lot to cannibalism but in this instance that maybe isn't a bad thing!

Bettas will never be able to keep up with that amount of cuttles. It would take a week from now to get free swimming betta fry and if you have 1 pair with 150 fry that will last this amount of cuttles about an hour! You'd need about 50 pairs of Bettas.

Are you not near a beach? You couldn't go their and catch your own mysis?

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