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Bandensis eggs in the Bay Area


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Jan 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys!

I have a limited amount of wild collected bandensis eggs (I believe them to be) from the same supplier I got them from last time.

At this point I want to do pick up only, no shipping.
However, assuming that I will still have a bunch of babies in August, I would be happy to bring some to the convention (I may also be able to get another shipmen).

Anyway, if you are interested please shoot me an email - [email protected] .
I will be out of town till Monday.


TONMO staff, I put this thread in the cuttle forum because it seemed to make more sense than the marketplace forum, but feel free to move it if you disagree! :D
You betcha. Price will depend on eggs vs babies.

I am also trying to figure out the best way to keep them for the duration of the con. I think I could set up a small tank in my hotel room (yikes gotta book it) and part them out as people want them, or when I have to leave.
how long do they take to get to full size? just curious their rate of growth so i can keep a loose track of progression.


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