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any octo folks on here selling bimacs?

Jan 10, 2007
My last octo died, i think from old age since my water is perfect and foot is plentiful. anyone selling bimacs? i'd love a California 2-spot again...

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
We hope that some captive bred bimacs will be available in a few months.

I'll be checking into this and will post about it soon. Or, perhaps our breeders will post directly.

marinebio_guy;100506 said:
Right now I have some eggs. I usually only raise about 5 hatchlings as thats is all I handle at any one time.
Hello Marinebio guy, by the sounds of it those might be due around the same time I would be looking for one. If you could let me know an eta on them I would know better-I dont know at what age you let them go and how long that is from now. I am looking in the 1-2 month from now range for my tank to be well cycled and ready. Thanks!!
They are about a month from hatching

Bigpapa;100535 said:
Hello Marinebio guy, by the sounds of it those might be due around the same time I would be looking for one. If you could let me know an eta on them I would know better-I dont know at what age you let them go and how long that is from now. I am looking in the 1-2 month from now range for my tank to be well cycled and ready. Thanks!!
No but im sure the LFS wouldnt mind if she took some of the larger amphipods and the live mysids swimming around the tanks....
Culturing your own is easy in a refugium.. I have tons in my refugium....

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