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30 gallon Cube Oceanic


O. bimaculoides
Jan 11, 2006
I contact Octopets and they said a bimac would be o.k. in a 30 gallon cube which would work better than the setup I was thinking. What is every one elses thoughts. They said they rarely get large enough to outgrow that tank.
rudy said:
I contact Octopets and they said a bimac would be o.k. in a 30 gallon cube which would work better than the setup I was thinking. What is every one elses thoughts. They said they rarely get large enough to outgrow that tank.


The minimum recommended by Bimac keepers here is 50G! They may not out grow a 30 but the bioload may well overwhelm it

so in theory, wouldn't a 30g be large enough if it was over-filtered? like, say an eheim ment for a 125g tank or something like that? and using a skimmer rated for 75g+ tanks??
Sure, as long as your power never went off, the skimmer worked perfectly, etc...
The reason for the larger tank is so that when problems do arise, there is enough time to get them fixed before the octopus dies.


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