will a octo eat large feather dusters


Aug 21, 2004
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imw antign to buy some 6 inch wide feather dusters

he doesnt bother the little ones i have now, but i dotn know about ones this big
It might be just fine - on the other hand, I've heard of octos (older than your little bimac) snapping them off and putting them in front of their dens :smile: Your bimac won't eat a featherduster - it's a worm. Worth a try - you have a big tank so he has room to roam.

where can i get a larger duster

ive heard some can get 10 inch spans on them
i would like to have some of these.

hey nancy
he is growing
bu how long do you get to enjoy them being larger than your fist before they die
Feather dusters won't be eaten ( as least not in my case) but they might be killed unintetionally by falling rocks caused by the octo.
never seen one biger than 4" in the trade but 10 would be nice :)

kept them in with cuttles and they thrived but always thought octos would be too destructive

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