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Apr 8, 2004
even though Tonmo numbers have swelled nicely to 2464, does it not concern our benevolent leader Tony :notworth: that there are 8999997536 weirdos not signed up ?
(assuming population is 9 billion in US billions not UK billions as it makes a fair difference)

no, THIS is odd..

Come and listen to a story bout a ceph named Squid
A deep sea dweller, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was spittin', about to heave,
And down through the sea came a bubblin' Steve...

'Food that is'..'Marine gold'..'New Zealand tea'..

Well, the first thing you know ol' Squid's awaitin' there,
The Kinfolk said "Squid! Move away from there!"
Said "Discov'ry Channel is the place you ought to be!"
They loaded up their beaks and moved to Auckland city.

Food, that is..Swimmin' pools..Documentary stars..

Well, now its time to say goodbye to Squid and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly divin' in.
You're all invited back a gain to this locality
To have a heapin' helpin' of their tentacality

Squidbilly that is..Set a spell..Take your arms off..

Y'all dive back now, y'hear?

nah, you're right... we're ALL odd... :P
Bringing the rest of the world into Ceph fandom...

I'm signing my Christmas/holiday cards this year "Merry Squidmas and a fishy new year". Should freak out the relatives...

Re: Bringing the rest of the world into Ceph fandom...

krin said:
I'm signing my Christmas/holiday cards this year "Merry Squidmas and a fishy new year". Should freak out the relatives...


Not mine I'm afraid........they're all used to assorted weirdness from me! (Like the year I included a Moroteuthis tentacle hook in my cards from Santa Claws....... :roll: )

Verse 2!

Good findings we bring, to you of good beer,
we fish you a brandnewteuthis,
and a messie new year,
Weirdos? Odd? Obsessed? I.... I don't understand. Are you saying that... I mean...

Doesn't everyone love octopuses and squid? Cute, cuddly-wuddly cephalopods, with their high intelligence and their bioluminescence and camouflaging? And thier gnashing beaks and venomous, tissue-disintegrating secretions?

If not, what will they say about our tentacles? I mean, all you guys do have tentacles, too, right?? :goofysca:

Hmm... The Otter News Magazine Online... The Oxen News Magazine Online.... The Ostrich News Magazine Online... :mrgreen:
"A Cephologist's Christmas Carol"

Deck the halls with octop~us,
Falalalala, lalalalaaa,
tis, the season for tueth~ids,
Falalalala, lalalalaaa,
down we go, to ceph~y peril,
While, we hunt for messie captures,
Falalalalaaaa, lalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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