Yo guys,
Kevin, I hail from the world of oil & gas filtration where BFH is obligatory !
Our insignia is the "Shaky White Fingers"
Us English are so gentile & we normally call a BFH a "persuader"
As for cliff scaling with mungous ammonite problem a number of solutions spring to mind most of which under scrutiny are just plain stupid but I'm sure the Kursk was a bit tricky as was the Mary Rose but both were saved from the briny. A chinook can lift more than it's own mass & failing that I've seen your picture Kevin & you look big enough to "yo-yo" one of these beasties
Failing that pressgang these asylum seekers into service, make 'em earn their 5 bedroom council houses, bit of exercise will do 'em good.
According to Mr. Sharpe seems I've still lots to learn, never heard of Peacehaven let alone the giant ammonites of Peacehaven, I feel like a right pleb amongst the intelligentsia
Moving on, Phil, would you like a flake with that ?
Met her in the Maldives by the way, she looks rough as 1st thing in the morning with no make-up on
& your display cabinet must be something seriously sturdy.
HC, I can't stand the stuff so I use a Ricard bottle or Sainsbury's fiery ginger beer.
J'adore le SFGB.