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Unique Octopus T-Shirts !

withit is a spammer. only 1 post and that was his ad, hey why not instead of staling space on this site, you buy it like a civilized person, go back to your palete where you came from dirt bag.
as you can tell, i hate spammers.

Sorry, but I don't think one post to the appropriate forum counts as spam, and it doesn't yet deserve that degree of vicious. Most people's first few posts are selfish. I know mine have been ("help me!" is something benefiting the poster, usually.) Again, this is the marketplace. Someone trying to sell something is not a suprise.

Yay! I'm asking people to calm down and stop being mean! This is the most certain way to get flamed that I know of...
This post has been labeled as "spam", but I think the shirt has merit in and of the fact that it is of an octopus.
Withit, it would have been much more appropriate to approach the website master and ask if it was ok to advertise first, though.
You may want to reach Tony, and make sure he is alright with the advertisement?
The word "spam" has an illegitimate connotation: we get spam trying to sell us diet pills and natural male enhancement. This isn't a scam, this is a person who is making cool shirts and thinks we might be interested.

Yeah, the original poster months ago should have talked to Tony first because the Marketplace folder wasn't around then. Yeah, he posted three or four messages in different forums which was a little impolite (I've noticed sometimes new users do this because they expect the site viewers to be very compartmentalized). None of these are deathly sins and his product is not vaporware. That means I'm not upset at him at all especially compared to the feelings I have toward the people who post that are slowly killing their animals!

Withit said:
"Marketplace Buy, sell or trade your ceph-related wants and wares here."


Not implying that you are wrong at all...just, it is somewhat polite.

D, are you talking about:

"whtup,my octop s tnk hz n ammonia lvl of pls8. Z ok?"
This is a market place! this was made to sell ceph related stuff, so all he was trying to do was show use a cool shirt(which by the way i happen to think is really nice.) so dont jump to conclusions and start asumeing its a spam, you shouldent be rude to new comers! Just because hes only had 3 posts dosent mean a thing:hmm:


oh and by the way :welcome: to tonmo
Thanks guys ! If anyone out there can point me in the direction of any more unique octopus merchandise, I'd like to see it. Im a bit of a collector :)
It is a great looking shirt and it is in Marketplace, but isn't there a requirement to clear ads with Tony first? I thought there was.
I'm going to assume that anyone who would design a shirt like that is interested in cephs, though and belongs in Tonmo anyway, so:welcome:
This is the right place to post notes about ceph-related stuff for sale. Last time around it was a little ugly because we didn't have the Marketplace forum at the time. Now that it's back, if anyone has ceph-related merchandise for sale or trade, this is a fair place to do it.


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