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Tropical Fish Hobbyist

Feb 24, 2005
well thanks to Nancy who was kind enough to use some of my pictures for an article she wrote for TFH publications, a few of my pictures of my past octopi/octopuses/octopods (whatever you would like to call octopus plural) will be in next months issue. not only that one of my pictures has been used for the cover photo of the magazine! i for one will be saving a clipping or two for my portfolio and im very eager to see what exactly the article is about. anyway thanks again Nancy and i thought id just let everyone know what youve been working on and whats coming out in the world of ceph care print.
So your photo made the cover, Joe! Congratulations! I think it was suposed to be a secret because the TFH people wouldn't tell me which photo they had chosen!:smile:

Anyway, I'll be posting more about this issue in a more visible place soon. There are 6 articles by TONMO.com members and photos by even more TONMO people! It is the first ceph issue TFH has ever done!

It will be out on the stands around April 22. Barnes and Noble usually carries it, so you might reserve a copy if you want to buy it there. It's the June issue.

I'll post later about how to buy this issue directly from TFH.


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