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This group is awesome!


Jan 24, 2006
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I just discovered this site due to a rather embarrassing experience. I was reading an article in Skeptic magazine which referenced a species of squid that, by most estimates, is considerably larger than Architeuthis- Mesonychoteuthis. I was especially stunned to learn that this species had been known for a good bit of time, but just hasn't received the media coverage of the Giant Squid. Although I (had previously) considered myself pretty well read in regard to matters related to the natural sciences, I was astonished that such a creature existed and I was completely unaware of it. So I Googled Mesonychoteuthis and discovered this wonderful group!

I have been a marine reef aquariist for many years, but have never kept a cephalopod (to my knowledge anyway, I seem to have a never ending cast of surprise guests in my tank). I'm now fascinated about offering a home for a ceph. I'd especially like to get to know a cuttlefish. Can anybody offer some suggestions for critter selection to a guy who is an experienced marine tank person, but who has no experience with cephalopods?
A warm :welcome: to you Dr T.

Think BIG; start that aquarium off with a baby Mesonychoteuthis! Tony (the chief and commander of TONMO) has 32 of these precious little gems for sale, live! You'll need a big tank!
baby Mesonychoteuthis! Tony (the chief and commander of TONMO) has 32 of these precious little gems for sale, live!

Are you crazy? Those things nearly bit my arms off!

Best bet for starters would most likely be Octopus Bimac or a Sepia Bandensis. Just bear in mind that they, like all cephs will require more time, care and effort that normal marine tanks. Check out our cephcare articles. The link is below the TONMO logo at the top of this page.

Oh and :welcome: to TONMO.com
Steve O'Shea said:
A warm :welcome: to you Dr T.

Think BIG; start that aquarium off with a baby Mesonychoteuthis! Tony (the chief and commander of TONMO) has 32 of these precious little gems for sale, live! You'll need a big tank!
Welcome Tulsakev! Please ignore our resident cephalopod (and Mesonychoteuthis) expert, Dr. Steve O'Shea, at least to whatever extent he suggests I'm selling the collossal squid. :smile:

Good to have you aboard!
Welcome Dr. T,

Tony is just trying to sell them on ebay... for the highest price.
Baby Colossal Squid, easy to care for, friendly and cuddly, temp 78 F, fits in 12 gallon Nano Cube. Starting bid $1000 :razz:

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