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The Official "Hey, I'm at TONMOCON II" Thread


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May 30, 2000
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Ok, people are definitely in motion now, migrating toward TONMOCON II in Sarasota like the characters in Stephen King's "The Stand", except that this has a happier ending.

Let's use this thread to share info live as it happens. If I learn anything more about a cephaloctopodcast (Jason's and mine combined), we'll post it here.

See you in Florida!
Physically, I'm still in San Diego and won't be hopping on a plane until late tonight, but my mind has been in Sarasota for about a week now. I hope it's staying dry...
I guess I'll be the anchor in Arizona...sigh. Really am going to miss this one. If you all get a chance, post up pics as they occur, to keep those of us out of the loop, in.
Hey Guys,

I have partially relapsed and am completely unfit to fly, so I am not coming to the con. I am very unhappy about it, but there really is no way I can get on a plan in good conscience, or in good health or without moaning. Good news is at least it looks like I won't be having to go back into the hospital.

SUCK - I was getting so happy with my presentation and was so looking forward to the event and hanging out with everyone.

I am pretty grumpy about this, so I guess its good that I can hardly stay awake. :grin:

Thales;96878 said:
Hey Guys,

I have partially relapsed and am completely unfit to fly, so I am not coming to the con. I am very unhappy about it, but there really is no way I can get on a plan in good conscience, or in good health or without moaning. Good news is at least it looks like I won't be having to go back into the hospital.

SUCK - I was getting so happy with my presentation and was so looking forward to the event and hanging out with everyone.

I am pretty grumpy about this, so I guess its good that I can hardly stay awake. :grin:


aw, crap, but it's good that you're taking care of yourself.

I wonder if we could do some sort of remote variant of your presentation? You're a mac guy, right? Maybe we can scrounge another mac and do iChatAV?

- M
So sorry to hear Rich! Hope you feel better! I'm sure something can be worked out between Tony, MOTE and my son....and on an exciting note.....we saw a resident manatee near where you all are staying!!!!!
Look on the bright side, you have a bunch of cuttles to keep you company, and you probably didn't want to listen to Neal Diamond this weekend anyway, right?

Seriously though, major bummer. Pour yourself a shot of NyQuil with a scotch chaser and dream of the Great Old Ones.
Sorry about the relapse and that it happened just before you were about to leave - on the other hand, better to be home than off somewhere else and very ill. Hope you're feeling better and we'll tell you all about it!

If there is anything I can do in the way of your presentation-I 'd be happy to help.

Maybe save it as a PDF and we can use the arrow keys to turn pages? I live in Florida so I won't be leaving until tomorrow morning.

You always have the BEST ceph photography I have ever seen.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the nice words.
I'm weak today, but it feels like I am on the mend. It was the right decision not to fly.

I would be more than happy to do some sort of remote version of the presentation, even if it was simply getting the powerpoint to someone and a phone. AFAIK, the presentation would have to be ftp'd and then downloaded which would take some time. Anyway, if some version of that is wanted, let me know. At the same time, making this happen would be a bit of work, so if it doesn't happen, thats fine too!

Thanks again,

I am now hanging out in the Atlanta with Melissa and Angus... We'll be at the Sarasota airport soon, and cab to the aquarium... :grin: see the rest of you soon!
Say 'hi' to Melissa for me please. I last saw her a couple of years ago. Always globetrotting that one.
We're here at dinner - wish you all were here! -monty

hey there - tonmo here, on monty's blackberry - im here with nancy, and we're all around the table chatting - melissa, angus, monty, tania, some gentleman, greg, jason, sharon, nancy and me . gonna go chat w\ steve-o

it is wonderful to meet cephheads here
help - i'm surrounded by octopeople - what if they find out that i can't tell a bimac from a bivalve, and i don't know the secret tentacle-shake?

OK, hands up how many of you ordered calamari?

(You can always lie as I can't see you.)

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