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Ten months for G2!

Thank you Nancy and Mizu!!! G2 is wonderful! Very active and very hungry. We have started collecting local crabs and stuff again. Our newest member here, Vcosta, who I see is lurking!!!! (come on out Vinnie :mrgreen:) was admiring G2 yesterday, but I swear G2 knew there was someone different in the house cause he chose to stay behind the bubble filter. Even tempted him with food and even the crab did not cooperate! The crab ran behind the bubble filter with him! Anyway of course now that only we are here, G2 is back to the red rock in the middle of the tank watching everyone! Will try to get some new pics to post tonight!
After my little Eheim escapade tonight, I tried to interest him in a crab in a gumball container. He would only stick an arm out to feel it but wouldn't come out of his rock. Should be interesting to see if he ventured out over night and got it!
corw314 said:
After my little Eheim escapade tonight, I tried to interest him in a crab in a gumball container. He would only stick an arm out to feel it but wouldn't come out of his rock. Should be interesting to see if he ventured out over night and got it!

Is that a bimac?
G2 was identified as a bimac.

I suppose you also read the post where Carol tells us the sad news that G2 has passed away.


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