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Surface on NBC ???

No idea, although the egg case the boys drop in their family aquarium has curls on the ends similar to a mermaid's purse, so maybe they're some kind of biological shark-based experiment gone wrong. I'd like to think that they're Deep Ones, but you know my preferences...
Yeah. It was silly, but I'm going to watch the next episode or two just in case. NBC, if you're going to use jargon, why not at least try to use it properly? People who don't know what you're talking about won't know the difference, and people who do know will be less likely to pull out their hair or throw their remote through the screen of the television.
I saw about ten minutes of it and wasn't very impressed. I thought the special effects could have been better for a prime-time network show that's been hyped so much. I'll stick with my Battlestar Galactica!

DHyslop said:
I saw about ten minutes of it and wasn't very impressed. I thought the special effects could have been better for a prime-time network show that's been hyped so much. I'll stick with my Battlestar Galactica!


Haven't seen "Surface" on accounta being down under where things appear veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy sssssssssllllllllllllooooooowwwwwwwwwwlyy!

The blurb sounds like "the Blob" meets "Roswell" meets "the beast" :shock:

But I'm with Dan, it'll have to go some before it beats BSG in my book!!!


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