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Star Wars Movie Titles


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
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Octo-friendly names of the Star Wars movies, in order of production:

Star Wars: A New GPO (it rhymes with hope... yeah?)
The Empire Strikes Beak (woo hoo!)
Return of the Joubini (reference: Sepia (Doratosepion) Joubini
The Phantom Mantle
A Tank of the Clones

OK, keep it movin... nothing to see here...
How about James Bond?

Dr Nototodarus.
From Rossia pacifica With Love.
Diamond Backed Squids Are Forever.
The Mantle with The Golden Gonatus.
The Spirula Who Inked Me.
Octopussy. (yeah, I know).
oh, now I *really* gotta transfer all the notes from the old board. I already covered James Bond movies!

[added later]: ok, it's done! See the bottom of the Immortalized Groaners announcement for Bond Movies...
Tony, just read your Bond titles. Seriously scared at the simularity! Great minds, they say? Help!

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