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skimmer or more live rock?


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks everyone for all the help so far. But I have two more questions.

About ten days ago, I started cycling an Oceanic 29 gallon bio cube. It has 1 1/2 inches of live sand, about 30 pounds of live rock in the tank, and I replaced the bioballs in the filter with about another 8 pounds of live rock rubble.

You guys told me about a nano skimmer (it's made by Tunze) that can fit in the filter of the bio cube -- but if I get it I will have to remove all or most of the live rock rubble to make room for it. Which is better -- the extra live rock or the skimmer?

Also, should I use the skimmer while the tank is cycling, or wait until the tank is ready for an octopus to turn on a skimmer?

Thanks again.
I'd say the skimmer is more important and right now, you wouldn't see much of anything removed from the water, as the whole purpose of the skimmer is to remove waste that an octopus produces and should you have an inking episode, the skimmer would remove this also. Octopuses produce a huge amount of waste. I think the skimmer is more important than the live rock in your filter.
I've been looking into getting a Biocube, and I found another type of skimmer. It's called a "Fission Nano-Skimmer". It's made for nano tanks, and it's supposed to be the smallest skimmer in the world. It fits right inside the tank, and it says it's for tanks under 30 gals. I don't know if it's a good skimmer though, just thought I'd mention it. Does anyone know anything about it?


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