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Should I or Should I Not

Phil Andrews

May 5, 2004
Hello all, and thanks in advance to any reply's...I was wondering if all Octi die fast, or what is the average length one survives. I have two tanks now (reef-swim) & (Preditor-Hawian Dragon eel), and just want to know if a third would be a waist for a creature that dies real fast????I do love them though.
Hi and welcome!!! Once you have experienced one of these fascinating creatures, I can guarantee you will be hooked!!!! Speaking from one who has had this obsession a long time!!!!

Thanks to all

Thanks for the welcome, and info. I will keep ya posted since your enthusiasm has made up my mind to begin the process.
All your info and pictures are a help, and what a great web site.
thanks again,
Phil :D

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