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RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: comparative study of palatine teeth

Your research sounds really interesting! It would be great to know what you've discovered so far. I'm a prospective cephalopod researcher waiting to hear if I've gotten into the doctoral programs to which I just applied.

Currently I've got a temp job as a chemist, and really miss zoology.

Certainly, I'll admit its a little preemptive of me but assuming that at least -one- of these programs accepts me, my intent is to research invertebrate physiology and behavior, specifically in cephalopods. Your topic sounds like a great project to get into that's right up my alley. Also, I could really use some hands on ceph experience. I've been around the block with higher phyla, but I'm really fascinated by invertebrates.

Please let me know if I could be useful in your research.
:tentacle: Paige
B.S. Zoology
B.S. Biology
Oregon State University 2003
Hi Paige; do let us know how you went on your scholarship/postgraduate applications
Just 'bumping' this thread, the last post being over 2 years ago. This will be an extremely interesting, rewarding research project, appropriate for someone wanting to do a Masters.
Bumping again, because of something Kat and I am (or should this be 'are'?) doing .... watch closely this next week, for a treat; you'll not be disappointed. It has been nearly 1.5 years since a post on this thread, and the FIRST post was made in September 2004! Heavens, 5 years ago! I haven't changed a bit in that time :)
Shivers! I forgot that freezer altogether! It's in another building (that we vacated years ago) in an annex. I'd best go rummage and see what I have in there! (And see if my freezer is still there!!!)
Kat and I talked about that freezer at TONMOCON... I was supposed to send you a reminder Steve -- thanks Jean! Hopefully he can find that stuff and start the thaw process... different thread though, I'll bump it...
Just a sneak preview of things to come ...... :sly:


  • conv_294570.jpg
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2mm! That's some mighty precise cutting you did there! That's the radula in situ, right?
Yup, minus one palp; I'm afraid it looks like a brutal cut (perhaps I should have cropped the base somewhat :cry:)
I have unstuck this thread because we've posted an update here. There's more to come re palatine teeth, but the opportunity to do this at a doctoral level has probably passed (seeing that the guts of it has been presented already); that's not to say we are (or anyone else is) anywhere near finished our contribution on this matter!.

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