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Sepia elegans
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
This genus contains three species of squid. The pyroteuthids can be identified by the presence of 13+ hooks on each arm, and a row of hooks along the club. They also have a variety of photophores, including "lidded photophores" on the eyes.

Pyroteuthis addolux

Info at: Pyroteuthis


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Another tiny :roll: request as I am enjoying these, if you can find and post the max/ave size it would help to visulalize them better since we have no reference in the photos.
Oo! That's a good idea! Although, since many genera have multiple species, varying in size, that might be challenging for some groups. I can definitely provide a range of sizes though and try to get as specific as possible! Thanks for the idea D! :heee:
per mike v there's still some ambiguity around which genus this is within pyroteuthidae, hard to determine the relative size of the ventral photophores. the ones i've circled here are 3 distinct photophores in a cluster in pyroteuthis - the video isn't quite sharp enough to tell.

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