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Poll: What do you think of the Beatles' 'Octopus's Garden?'


TONMO Supporter
Nov 19, 2002
Reaction score
How do you rate this song? Amusing or an embarrassment? Do you turn the volume up on the radio or hurl a fistful of ammonites at it?
You're a true pal Phil!! When I find that extant ammonite I'll name it after you!

May Neil live long and prosper!
Steve O'Shea said:
You're a true pal Phil!! When I find that extant ammonite I'll name it after you!

Ah, shucks! :oops:
Well actually I really like that song and the skit done by the Muppet Show put it to good use. I even put it on my octo video. As a child I always wanted an octo and TV was the closest i thought i would ever get to one. Now I really do have and Octopus' garden, right here in my livingroom!!!!!!!. My kids had never heard that song before :shock: and now when i play the video they sing it, amazing, I just revealed my age LOL :oops:
Whenever I am having a rotten day, all I have to do is start whistling that song, and I get a big grin on my face...it may be "fluff", but it sure is a great tune for getting happy!
Not all of that cheerful though, is it???? I mean, I guess if you want to be an assassin or something, it is fine, but as far as looking at life through some rose-coloured gardener's glasses, it is far from perfect! :D
Whenever I am having a rotten day, all I have to do is start whistling that song, and I get a big grin on my face...it may be "fluff", but it sure is a great tune for getting happy!

I showed my gf that video with the song - she loved it and ended up watching the video about 10 times. Now whenever one of us gets stressed we start to sing that song and then we can't help but laugh (and then get it stuck in our heads for the rest of the day)

I showed it to her to convince her that she wants a little octo - I think it worked!
I'm a big ol' Beatles fan, they never did anything wrong so far as I can see. Song in question included. I answered #4... :D

Big Wings fan too, although they DID do plenty wrong... and Live and Let Die was among my least favorite of their hits.
The best thing about Live and Let Die was the movie...mostly due to the huge amount of herps in it (including a rare (at that time) Emerald tree boa) and the 7-UP guy with that wicked laugh. Oh yeah, and the hot girls, of course!!!
Gloriously silly stuff.
Ringo gets to sing, and remind us that clenching one's buttocks whilst furrowing the brow does not a better world make.
Its a crackin little cheeky song that, u'd have to be mad to take it seriously!!

Although since you mention live and let die, im sure you would of been impressed with the onstage an above stage firework display when Mcartney sung live an let die at glastonury last year. Finished the show an went off like a bomb.

It was a good old beatlesy sing song when he wasnt playin his new stuff which he didnt much at all.

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