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Please help to identify my Octopus?

Aug 10, 2006
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I've had "Ocho" for about 3 weeks and still trying to figure out what species she is. I first thought Aculeatus because of the longer legs (20-25cm) compared to the mantle (5-6cm). Also, the stripe that I can occasionally see running from between her eyes down the center to the front of the mantle which I've seen in pictures of Aculeatus. But the thing is, Aculeatus is diurnal and Ocho is totally nocturnal. So I've been leaning toward Briareus because she's never out during the day. But I thought Briareus had more webbing at the base of the legs and Ocho has no webbing, just long legs. I was also thinking maybe O. Bocki because they are also extremely nocturnal and similar looking, but may be a little big to be a Bocki but not sure. Resting color is brown which is pretty common among a few species but also speckled with "Glow in the dark" green color. This is the best description I can give for now and sorry the picture isn't the greatest, but it was with my camera phone this morning about 4:45am. I wake up early for work and turned on the front room light and caught her munching on one of the little shore crabs I catch for her. Any help in identifying her would be greatly appreciated!



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SORRY SORRY SORRY, meant to post this in the ceph care section. disregard this post as I have already reposted in the ceph care section and can't figure out how to delete this post.
Phuntoon;78031 said:
SORRY SORRY SORRY, meant to post this in the ceph care section. disregard this post as I have already reposted in the ceph care section and can't figure out how to delete this post.

We're not really all that picky, but if you want to delete the post, there should be an "edit" button visible on the bottom of your post. I don't think you can remove the whole thread, though, but Tony or the moderators of "tank talk" can.

There's actually an "ID requests" forum over in "Ceph Science" at
TONMO Cephalopod Community
as well, which is more likely to be seen by scientists, but less likely to be seen by pet owners... Sometimes people post ID requests in "journals and photos" as well, or where you put it in Octopus Care is fine, too. And :welcome: while I'm at it, if I didn't say that yet.

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