Pelagic Octopus


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Oct 19, 2003
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OK, there's another one for us to grind our teeth on... Will look up on tolweb and/or cephbase, but in the meanwhile....

© 2005 James D. Watt/Image Quest Marine
Looks like O. defilippi paralarva- an Atlantic octo. It was originally described as its own beast- the Macrotritopus larva, but Forsythe and Hanlon reared one and ID'd the adult. A nice full-paged profile of this animal graced the back of a dive gear catalog a few years back.
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mucktopus said:
Looks like O. defilippi paralarva- an Atlantic octo. It was originally described as its own beast- the Macrotritopus larva, but Forsythe and Hanlon reared one and ID'd the adult. A nice full-paged profile of this animal graced the back of a dive gear catalog a few years back.

Good call! Looks like that's the burger: I found this to be the closest match I could find, which turns out to be Hanlon's little discovery as discribed above :grin:
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