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One of my bimac buddies, in "zebra pattern."

Dr. Idso

Pygmy Octopus
Nov 9, 2003

Here are some pictures of one of my bimacs I captured wild down in Rocky Point, Mexico. It is such an awesome creature! I feed it by hand daily, or my kids at school feed it a crawdad each day by hand. Very fun and exciting!


Dr. Idso
Hello and :welcome: to TONMO.com Dr.Idso

How did you catch the bimacs? octopus pots? Nice pics you've got there, I also saw some of them @ Reef Central. How big are the bimacs, how long have you had them and how many do you have. :heee:

Sorry for the many questions :oops: But I'm just kinda curious. :wink2:

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