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[On TV]: Octopus and Octopus 2: River of Fear (heh)


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
:popcorn: ~ Double Feature ~ :popcorn:

~ It starts with... ~
Program: Octopus (120 mins)
Channel: USA Network (USA)
Time: Wednesday, Apr. 17th @ 11am ET
Synopsis: This is one of those awful movies that you can enjoy with a loved one simply by laughing at it. It involves a giant radioactive octopus, a submarine, and an unbearable love story.

~ Followed By... ~
Program: Octopus 2: River of Fear (120 mins)
Channel: USA Network (USA)
Time: Wednesday, Apr. 17th @ 2pm ET
Synopsis: The really bad sequel to the really bad Octopus movie (see above).

Octopus 2: River of Fear will also be airing Sunday Apr. 20th @ 9pm ET on the SCI-FI channel.

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