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Octupus with eggs

Nov 10, 2004
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Hi eveyone

I just got an octopus, not too sure of its kind. One day after I got it, it lays a bunch of eggs and is now cuddling them. Anyone out there knows how to take care of them? What shd I feed the babies when they arrive?

I read somewhere that the mother will usually not eat when the eggs are not hatched. And she is likely to die after that. Is it true? Anyone of you hv got such experience, pls share!!!


Octopus are good mothers! She will guard the eggs and keep them clean and oxygenated. If they are fetile and hatch she won't eat them. Sorry but in many instances the female dies (although Carol and Nancy had some that actually started to eat again and hung on for a few more weeks). As for looking after the squirtlings? Be prepared to work VERY hard! These have voracious appetites! amphipods etc and very small mysids are good. They are cannibalistic so you will lose some but you may get a few through! Don't be too disheartened if they all die tho' that is often the way of things. In nature very very few would survive to adulthood.


Thanks for the advice, Jean.

But how long does it take for the eggs to be hatched? I believe the mother octopus must die of hunger as they hardly move about nor feed. I'm trying to get it to eat but only successful at times. Anyone can offer further advice?

sgoctopus said:
Thanks for the advice, Jean.

But how long does it take for the eggs to be hatched? I believe the mother octopus must die of hunger as they hardly move about nor feed. I'm trying to get it to eat but only successful at times. Anyone can offer further advice?


Depends very much on the species! Our P.cordiformis can take 70 or 80 days! But you should be able to see if they're fertile before that. The embryo's will develop eyes! And sometimes you can see the chromatophores on the skin through the egg case!

Some mother octopuses will eat, but they won't come out of the den, so you must hand her the food or place it where she can get to it easily. If she doesn't want to eat one day, try againt the next. My octopus refused food right at first, but accepted it more and more as time went on.

For some species, the eggs may hatch in a little more than a month. Depends on the water temperature, too.

Mother octopus died


My octopus died this morning after putting down all her eggs. Luckily, all the eggs have eyes in them like you say ... I can't wait till they actually come out. I've standby baby mysids to await their arrival. Any idea how soon they will come out? Or shd I put some mysids in the tank so that they will have food the minute they are out? Will let u guys know once there's any development. Meanwhile, thanks for all the tips. It sure helps.

Wish me luck! :wink2:

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