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Dec 22, 2004
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Found this and thought I'd share. I hope that guy who posted earlier tonight doesn't use it for evil instead of good.

California Coastal Records Project - Image 9041

The floating nets in the back are presumably the oyster farms and I assume the octos live either indoors or in the small lagoon to the lower right. There's also some more photos of the area: 9040 is also pretty good.

I'm not a stalker, am I?


Octopets sent me a pic of their facilities a few years ago - looks like they've grown. Wild bimacs live in the lagoon, from what I understand, and the ones they raise are in tanks.

Nancy said:

Octopets sent me a pic of their facilities a few years ago - looks like they've grown. Wild bimacs live in the lagoon, from what I understand, and the ones they raise are in tanks.


Is Octopets even in business anymore? Their website does not work properly and I sent an email to them and never got a reply.
dwculp said:
Is Octopets even in business anymore? Their website does not work properly and I sent an email to them and never got a reply.

The web site looks ok to me (well, I just went to the first page, and clicked on the bimac pic and got to a pricing page, but it worked that far.)

They are known to be kinda bad about responding to queries sometimes (overworked, understaffed is the usual explanation).
I'm having trouble getting to their detailed pages too. I think Monty's right, but I suspect the only part of the business he has trouble with is the retail side. Even if he stopped that I imagine he would still supply octopuses to fishsupply, liveaquaria, etc etc.

monty said:
The web site looks ok to me (well, I just went to the first page, and clicked on the bimac pic and got to a pricing page, but it worked that far.)

They are known to be kinda bad about responding to queries sometimes (overworked, understaffed is the usual explanation).

The website appears fine until you try to order anything then you get database errors. On top of that you cannot see any detailed information that you used to be able to get to.

Any other outlets for cultured octopi? I was really hoping to get a baby cultured bimac in the near future and now I am sad as I dont know where else to get one!
Fish Supply is a good source and they handle the Octopets bimacs. Right now they're showing none available on the website.

Fishsupply told me last week they're expecting sellable stock any day now. Every few weeks we'll hear mention from someone here or on RC who called one of the places and has some info. Perhaps there's enough interest to warrant a bimac availability sticky thread?

I would never presume to be able to keep track of briareus availability because I would question any LFS' identification.

I think it is lost on many that the nature of wild-caught octos means it is a crapshoot to get anything, much less a specific species at a particular store (or ten particular stores, for that matter). I don't think there's a way to keep track of who has what.

With captive bred bimacs, however, there are verifiable populations that are coming mature at predictable times going to known retailers. You can say that "Liveaquaria got a bag of eggs from Octopets last week...should have some available for sale in 8 weeks" or "heavy rains in Carlsbad wiped out brood stock...probably no new bimacs for 3-5 months."

Have you checked out Google Maps? Here's Octopets there:

Google Maps

Doesn't look like they have the super hi-res images (you should be able to zoom in twice more). For my house, I can make out the cars in my driveway! :shock:

octopet is gone, jimmy moved to do some research on other animals. just wanted to let you know, i used to work for him, but he has moved on. i dont know if carlsbad aquafarm will continue to grow octopuss but probally not. just wanted to let you guys know. jimmy might still have some in tanks where hes moving to but he might

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