No name.... | The Octopus News Magazine Online

No name....


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
I got a call from LFS in Pa last night that they had gotten an octopus in. Jess and I left today at 5:30 and just got home at 11PM. I don't know what he is, but he tried to escape the bag while dripping, crawled almost to the top of the bag out of water. Once in the tank, the serpent starfish perked right up. It's like the starfish knows there's an octopus in the tank again. Anyway the new octo was not even in the tank 3 minutes when he discovered the one last little crab that I've had for about 4 months. They had another one that was quite a bit larger, but I did not get it as I am still waiting on a replacement vulgaris. One of this ones legs has quite a chunk out of it. His mantle is the size of a large grape. I'm thinking one of the longer arm species, could be a dwarf as he reminds me of some I had a few years ago. First pics are terrible, but pics! :smile:
We saw an arm tonight! I was not sure if Noname was even alive anymore as nothing has been eaten from the tank, but in looking with a flashlight we saw eyes and movement! I still think I have one of those dwarfs that I had 2 of a year or so ago, but I am thrilled he is still with us. Think it's one week tomorrow!
I had a sighting tonight. I'm not sure what Noname is eating but I think the shore shrimp we added are dwindling in number. He's very reclusive but after an hour power outage tonight (a car knocked down a pole on a residential street next to us), once the lights came back on, he was out in his spot feeling and oozing and watching me! I'm thrilled. I was not sure he was still alive as the last sighting was a week ago. And I got 1 pic! I used my daughters tiny little pig flashlight and he actually put up with a light being shined on him till I got one good pic!
Hi Carol, the length of those arms really make it look like one of the aculeatus or abaculus types of octopuses. I picked up 2 over a week ago and they are doing fine. Not that shy, they do spend quite a lot of time stuck to the front glass...

Good luck with getting a new vulgaris - I'm still looking!
Sooo Colin, where are the pics and the new journal?

Carol, yours always seem to be shy (my guess is because they are young) and then overly friendly so I expect the same of no-nam-e :biggrin2:
Well....I think this one was an adult and still is not interactive at all. I never see him unless I wake at night and he's out hunting the shore shrimp. :frown:
Sometimes I am amazed at the timing. Noname must have known I needed a distraction tonight, as I glanced at the tank I saw an arm, ran over to the tank and there he was. Probably 3rd sighting since I got him. As I watched, he climbed up to the waterline went totally out of the water and grabbed a snail and now is gone to his den.

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