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Nice Video of Coconut Octopus


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
While I was watching Tuvalu's video on YouTube, a secondary video, Octopus on the Catwalk was next in line and is also a great one to watch.

Back in the days of filming A. margnatus for the walking octopus paper we heard a story of one seen almost completely clammed up in two halves of a coconut shell while and sticking two arms out the bottom and running along the sand- like fred flintstone in his car. Apparently a picture was taken but neither the photographer nor the evidence could be found.
When I saw the video I went looking for the credits and was actually surprised you were not the photographer :wink2:. From you note I guess adding three initials removed some of the diving :confused:
I was lucky to see this first hand in Indonesia. This guy was running across the bottom with his favorite shell

I am soooo envious. The closest I have knowingly come to seeing an octopus in the ocean was the one that climbed out of the dead coral we collected when I was a young teenager!

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