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New cuttlefish photos!

Jul 3, 2003
Ages ago I posted some rather vibrant photos of pharoah cuttlefish. This is the newest installment. I have since gotten my beloved 8 megapixel digital camera, and with the encouragement of Nancy, finally took it into the lab to shoot some cuttles.

They're OK... cuttles dont pose when you ask them to. I'm also still working on my technique now that i have a "real" camera.... shooting through the surface of water can be tricky.

But I am tempted to have some printed out nice and big... with 3624x2448 pixels, they're certainly large enough.


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They turned out very well! Yes, have some printed out big!

How large are the S. pharaonis that you're photographing? If they weren't so big, they'd be nice to keep in our home aquariums.

I have an Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom with 8 megapixels of doom! Ahem...

Those pharoanis are beefy... although... our last big male officinalis is right up there with the biggest of these guys. He is downright geriatric at 14 months, but still puts on quite a display when we give him a live crab.

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