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New Boat Rant!

Sep 25, 2004
Alright! We just got a new boat! Its a used 24 footer, and in pretty good condition. We bought it from of some skindivers and it even has a little mini fish hold thingy! Were gonna set up a pump to cycle fresh water into it so we can keep live fish alive longer lol! And no more sleeping out in the rain because its even got a small cabin. Man I can't wait to use it! :boat:
Congrats! Does it have a name? If it was owned by divers, does it have a compressor on board? I guess as 24 footer's a bit small for a compressor, though...
Thx! The names a bit wierd, it means friendship, I think its spelled Lauled.
But were gonna change it. lol i want to name it after a ceph. And no it doesnt have a compressor, not yet anyways...
Jean said:
:welcome: back OM.........where ya been?

Congrats on the boat. Name ..........hmmmmm if I had one I'd call it Wheke...........Maori for octopus!


Thanks Jean, Ive been distracted by lots of stuff school mainly. Lots of pressure to get in a private school. :read: But I always check back from time to time. And Wheke you say? I love it! And it's polynessian. I think, so it fits right in.
I spent three years in Hawaii getting my master's degree working with cuttlefish (had to import them...). I lived with two local guys and still have some really good friends in Mililani and Pearl City.
cuttlegirl said:
I spent three years in Hawaii getting my master's degree working with cuttlefish (had to import them...). I lived with two local guys and still have some really good friends in Mililani and Pearl City.

Woah cool, where did you get your degree? The university of Hawaii?

So its a livewell is it? I was wonferign that. Thanks!
Does it have a backup motor? We had a little 15 horse outboard with a special mount for our 25 footer and it came in handy a couple of times saving many $ in tow fees. Without it I would have been a little leery about taking day trips across to the Bahamas (this was pre gps, all we had was a loran and a compass). Enjoy the new boat .:boat:
cuttlegirl said:
University of Hawaii at Manoa. The professors I worked with don't work there anymore (one retired, the other is a whole other story...).

Very cool, and what do you mean by "Whole other story?" If you dont mind me asking that is.

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