Need some help with an Idea for my project

Need some help with an Idea for my project


Pygmy Octopus
Mar 3, 2014
Hello everyone I joined a little while back and I finally got around to taking my first Biology class in College :smile: My first step to being a Biology Major however I have a project to work on and I could use a really good Idea. As far as Biology goes I am really interested in Cephalopod Behavior but I am not sure how to break it down further than a certain species behavioral patterns can anyone give me some help.
Any help is appreciated any at all.

Find a topic you are interested in relating to any aspect of biology. The topic should be AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. Cancer, for example, is entirely too broad. Even specific types of cancer are going to be too broad. A topic such as treatments for a specific type of cancer STILL may even be too broad! Narrow your topic down further to a specific type of treatment or small group of treatments. You may even wish to narrow your topic further to research by a specific scientist! Just be sure not to make it TOO specific and limit your findings. You’ll probably need to find the articles FIRST (using the method shown in class), BEFORE you choose your topic! Submit your topic to me, in a written statement (in complete sentences!) to be approved BEFORE June 1st. That means if you submit it on June 1st and I DON’T approve it, you cannot continue with the project and you will receive a 0 for the entire project. You may also change your topic if you find that the one you chose is too limiting or too broad, but you CANNOT change your topic AFTER January 31st and any changes must be submitted and approved as if they are new topics! (1 Point)
Have a look at some of the articles by our members. Their research and topics may give you a starting place for both authors (many of the publications are joint with other researchers) and topics.

Once you have an idea, there are many current articles referenced (usually just the abstracts and links are posted but you are likely to have subscription access to some of them) in the Physiology and Biology section as well as in Behavior and Intelligence, THEN post what you are going to do and let us know what you find :biggrin2:
Hmm, I'm biased of course... Maybe you could research nautilus behavior, its role in conservation, and the evolution of the cephalopod nervous system... My adviser Dr. Jennifer Basil works on this and Dr. Robyn Crook who is on TONMO worked on this as well. I'm currently doing some of this work in Dr. Basil's lab.

I WANT to work on the evolution of the cephalopod nervous system, man. What's going on in that? I'm applying all over to evo devo neuro labs.

Cephalopod evolution in general is pretty cool.

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