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Need help College project


Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hey folks,

I am a animal management student at a college in England :grad: and I need to design some environment enrichment for a project I have decided as I am into marine biology and have just overcome my fear of octopi that these are the animals to do I have done some research on ideas but i was wondering if any of you have tried different enrichment to give me some ideas as you have alot more experience than me.

I would really appreciate your help. :?:
Octopuses seem to be easy subjects for enrichment because they're interested in so many things. Many of the large aquariuims have enrichment programs. I believe it's the Seattle Aquarium that gives the octopus a new dog toy every day at a certain time to touch and look at and ....?

Our octo owners have tried many things for enrichment. I'll let them tell you themselves.

Re: Need help College project

exoctophob said:
Hey folks,

I am a animal management student at a college in England :grad:
Where about?
and I need to design some environment enrichment for a project I have decided as I am into marine biology and have just overcome my fear of octopi that these are the animals to do I have done some research on ideas but i was wondering if any of you have tried different enrichment to give me some ideas as you have alot more experience than me.

Could u give us more details on the scale of the project, the definition of "enrichment", etc...
Did get a MSc in Aquatic resource management ;) I may be of assistance.

I'm at a college in the Midlands

I need to research different ideas for enrichment to keep an octopus active and keep the animal from becoming bored and repetative. The object must suit the needs of the species encouraging natural behaviour.

I need to then design my own from information that I have found.

I hope to go to Uni in september to study joint Marine Biology and Zoology (maybe in Wales)

Thanks :talker:

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