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My Intro with Cuttle Drawlings!

Jan 10, 2006
Hey all,
I wasn't sure where to put this so I decided this was fine!
I don't own any cephalopods but I surely like them!
I did some work based on cuttlefish, hope you like them!

Very nice pics,

Now i can tell people that you can sex them by looking for the curvy eyelashes on the female :)

welcome to TONMO :)
i'm glad you like! and yes, girl cuttles are easily identified by their long lashes and blushy cheeks :wink2:
I thought i'd show off my bf's stuff too, his site www.stuntkid.com if anyone is interested, he's also a long time tonmo lurker









hope you enjoy them!
Brilliant! Thanks for showing us these excellent drawings.
Nice drawings!! Are they done by hand and then scanned or is there some sort of software? Either way, they are well cool.
I especially enjoy the asian girl eating the octo-rice!! It does put me off eating octopus though!

:welcome: and a big hello.

These are all fantastic! You are both really talented.:notworth:

Dr Freud would be very interested in your bf's stuff I'm sure. :wink2:
Come on, get him to delurk too!
Wow, I just saw these -- these are fantastic (like CapnNemo said). Thanks very much for sharing... we should add them to our art gallery!
feel free to add them to your gallery here! i would have submitted them if i had known how, it's really nice to be able to show these drawings to a crowd who can appreciate them!
he'd delurk if he had time, he gets more work than i do so is super busy but does come here for inspiration

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