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Monsters of the deep


Mar 19, 2003
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The New Scientist article has been published. Steve O'Shea is freely quoted so TONMO has already provided much of the information first, but it is good to see an overview of the state of knowledge on giant squid in print.
Hey Mike, this isn't fair!!!! I haven't seen it yet!!!! How can it be out so soon???? OMG, I'll have to hide from the phone.

Is TONMO.com quoted/mentioned throughout the article?

No fair! :x :x :x :x
Awesome!!!! My goodness, a nod for TONMO.com would be awesome! Gotta get me a copy....


myopsida: note that I had to remove your attachment -- not only is it probably not permissable for us to reproduce the photo here (and it is quite likely/possible that New Scientist will be around here), but you also doctored it (pun not really intended)... :wink2:

For anyone who wants to see the real cover:

Is TONMO.com quoted/mentioned throughout the article?

Your secret is safe - TONMO is not mentioned (sorry Tony) - until someone tries a Google search for Steve O'Shea when it is one of the top items!
Re: Is TONMO.com quoted/mentioned throughout the article?

mikeconstable said:
Your secret is safe - TONMO is not mentioned (sorry Tony)

tonmo said:
-- not only is it probably not permissable for us to reproduce the photo here (and it is quite likely/possible that New Scientist will be around here), but you also doctored it (pun not really intended)... :wink2:

Myopsida, you absolute scoundrel you!! I thought my glasses needed adjusting when I saw 'your version' of the cover!! :jester:

I guess nobody cares that we also have a 4 page spread in the latest issue of SeaSpray (August/September 2003 issue); I think it is available in NZ and Australia only. :heee: (Tony, www.TONMO.com does get mention in this magazine article .... as 'one of the best sites around')... and we're presently doing a mini-doc on squid and fisheries.... busy times these are.
heheheheheheh i love this quote :) :) :)

"It's not very bright and it is trying to coordinate a metre-long penis."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Steve,
Did you REALLY said the following?

"If we are talking about a 200kg squid, this is an animal with a 20g brain," he told New Scientist.
"It's not very bright and it is trying to coordinate a metre-long penis.
"He's going to get a bit confused."

... or is it some kind of a journalist's misinterpretation of a joke?
If you really think so, I've got no reason to believe you're wrong... and so it's a little bit disappointing, as I always thought cephalopods were quite intelligent and smart animals, "intellectualy" speaking...
Cheers. :(
I'm afraid it's all true - their brain weight isn't anything staggering - but the quote should have read ~ 150kg (weight of a male).

.... I still haven't read the article. Down here at the very bottom of the world it takes a few days before magazines make their way over.

There was one squid I remember years ago .... and I couldn't find the brain - it was like some pulpy sneezed glop. So perhaps there are bright giant squid ... and really thick ones too .... relatively speaking.

....but there's even more exciting news due out in August
Stay tuned
Steve O'Shea said:
.... I still haven't read the article. Down here at the very bottom of the world it takes a few days before magazines make their way over.

it isnt out up here yet...i went searching and found out its available the week after the cover date (aug 2)
Steve O'Shea said:
I guess nobody cares that we also have a 4 page spread in the latest issue of SeaSpray (August/September 2003 issue); I think it is available in NZ and Australia only. :heee: (Tony, www.TONMO.com does get mention in this magazine article .... as 'one of the best sites around')... and we're presently doing a mini-doc on squid and fisheries.... busy times these are.
Woo-hoo! Great news!! Haven't got my copies of these publications yet, but I will... even the SeaSpray one, somehow...

Keep up the great work Steve -- I really appreciate that you allow us to make discoveries right along with you. How cool is that?
I'll send you a copy of 'SeaSpray' Tony; tiz a good article.
:notworth: Thanks Steve, but my question was not that much about brain's size and weight (I know it's relatively very small), but about your whole quote in this meaning that, when reading it, one has the feeling you think Architeuthis is some kind of a village idiot!
I won't deny that brain size and weight have definitely got something to do with intelligence (... otherwise, what about OUR supposed superiority over the whole universe, hey?), but, if you consider sharks, for example (which is what I know the best, especially the Great White), the least one can say is that their brain is extremely far from being their most important organ!
Nevertheless, the more we study their behaviour and the more we discover that they are quite smart, able to "learn" and memorize, and are, generally speaking, quite "sophisticated minded" animals.
So do you think you can let me keep dreaming that, despite its tiny brain, Architeuthis is not simply a dumb piece of meat for spem whales... or do you think I definitely have to prepare for a heatrending reconsideration of my ideas about it? :cry:

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