Thanks Steve, but my question was not that much about brain's size and weight (I know it's relatively very small), but about your whole quote in this meaning that, when reading it, one has the feeling you think
Architeuthis is some kind of a village idiot!
I won't deny that brain size and weight have definitely got something to do with intelligence (... otherwise, what about OUR supposed superiority over the whole universe, hey?), but, if you consider sharks, for example (which is what I know the best, especially the Great White), the least one can say is that their brain is extremely far from being their most important organ!
Nevertheless, the more we study their behaviour and the more we discover that they are quite smart, able to "learn" and memorize, and are, generally speaking, quite "sophisticated minded" animals.
So do you think you can let me keep dreaming that, despite its tiny brain,
Architeuthis is not simply a dumb piece of meat for spem whales... or do you think I definitely have to prepare for a heatrending reconsideration of my ideas about it?