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Life Imitates Toho Films (non-Ceph but weird)

Thanks for posting this Tani -- I updated your post to link off to it, though -- as the copyright statement noted, it can't be reproduced w/o permission! However, linking to it is cool... 8)

Can't wait to see the pictures! :-)
tonmo said:
Thanks for posting this Tani -- I updated your post to link off to it, though -- as the copyright statement noted, it can't be reproduced w/o permission! However, linking to it is cool... 8)

Can't wait to see the pictures! :-)

OK, thanks -- actually, for anyone with AOHell, there is a pic with the headline. The reason I copied the article originally is that I didn't know if any non-AOL members could access it. Next time, I'll just do a search for the AP link online.

Grazie mille,

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